

World Class Racquet Sports Experiences for
Adults and Children in the Vail Valley

$90 / hour

$250 / half day


Premium Children's Lesson Options with Learning Landscapes

Not only are your family summer vacations an experience of a lifetime in some of the most beautiful and inspiring places on the planet,  they can serve as sticky wormhole educational portals for your children to experience the many advantages of Embodied Cognition, turning them into enthusiastic lifetime learners who master the art of combining fundamental skills into increasingly complex and creative possibilities not only physically, but emotionally and intellectually as well.  This integration of progressive multi-dimensional skills which children enjoy during tennis instruction with our certified teaching professionals can follow them home into their classrooms and beyond, injecting them with self-confidence and a fascination with their newly discovered understanding of how neural networks in their bodies and brains helps them learn and master new things!

To explore options for optimizing your child's education on the way to accomplishing what we call  Agility x 3,  please speak with your tennis instructor about maintaining the downhill learning momentum created in our lessons  & camps through ongoing tutoring  sessions to master creative self-expression through language, problem solving and whole child agility integrating physical, emotional and intellectual skills.

With regular virtual sessions, online video tutorials and mastery-based collaboration with your local teaching pro, we help you create personalized Learning Landscapes that guide your child toward a lifetime of multidimensional agility.

Destinations on Fire

Get exclusive access to our Landscaped List of resorts, camps, clubs and partners who are committed to YOUR child's learning success.

Kids on Fire

Tennis, pickleball, gymnastics & parkour/ninja warrior instruction at Beaver Creek & Vail Resorts with world class instructors specializing in Whole Child Agility.

Literacy on Fire

Not only do each of our students receive a personalized storybook commemorating the lessons they learn during their days on  snow or on court or on horseback, they will be simultaneously immersed in our Easy English reading system, featuring the same combinatorial principles they will have already mastered physically before applying the same neural networking principles to limbic balance and cognitive excellence.


Parent Support

We Help You
Help Us Teach Your Kids

Our mission is to help empower students to develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in life through movement-based early literacy activities. We understand that traditional literacy instruction is not suited for everyone, and that nearly half of first and second graders already experience reading and writing anxiety, which can be a source of stress for them and their parents. By providing movement-based activities, we strive to create an environment where students can learn and grow without feeling overwhelmed.

With Learning Landscapes you are  completely supported. We've centered our entire curriculum around fundamental physical skills which make it easy and fun for kids to transcend their knowledge about their bodies and brains to a larger understanding of science, math and sustainable resource management on the way to creating a better world.

Your children's personalized book will be available after your Tennis Lessons, including an online course with video tutorials to coach parents and students to achieve success and overcome anxiety by reading their own book.


We don't just teach lifetime sports, we make lifetime friends! We have watched these kids growing up before our very eyes, and every season we meet them somewhere beautiful to learn new things, celebrate old times and discover what comes next! Playing tennis provide so many opportunities for quality teaching & learning, from the exhilarating air, the big BIG views, the fun physical challenges, the opportunities for diverse conversations on chairlifts and the fun & games afterward, you just can't beat these big white Learning Landscapes for quality family time!

"My kids are good athletes, good students and good citizens. We look forward to skiing with Ted and exploring new aspects of  Learning Landscapes every winter!"

Vik Bhatia

"Mia fell in love with tennis because of how much fun it was to learn a hard sport. (plus how pretty the outfits are!) It was the same with skiing last winter and whitewater rafting this summer. She has truly become a Girl on Fire and I am so thankful for the Learning Landscapes that have shaped her in those directions!"

Effie Magnano



By immersing your child in what turns THEM on, and by reading/writing about their experiences while 3-dimensionally engaged, they become good athletes, good students and
good leaders for the rest of their lives.
That's what we call Agility x 3!


Get Started