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There is no more important team on the planet than parents, doctors, teachers, coaches and kids working and playing together to create the best generation of future citizens that has ever been.

Click here to learn more about Sports Agility and Immersive Science Camps in Vail Colorado Click here to learn more about Sports Agility and Immersive Eco Camps in Costa Rica

Our Mission

Help kids learn fun physical skills while exploring the biological miracles of their own bodies and brains

Every child loves to learn, especially when they can follow their natural curiosity in directions that  lead to knowledge about the world.  Every child also loves to MOVE, especially in ways that showcase their growing ability to insert their personal stamp on the world! At Learning Landscapes, we've centered our entire curriculum around fundamental physical skills which make it easy and fun for kids to transcend their knowledge about their bodies and brains to a larger understanding of science, math and sustainable resource management on the way to creating a better world. Plus, we make it easy for you to help sustain their momentum by ensuring they continually master increasingly creative and complex combinations of physical, emotional and intellectual skills, both through formal education and, more importantly, through informal explorations of the world!

That's what we call Agility x 3!

Click HERE to learn more about our skiing, snowboarding, tennis, dance and gymnastics/ninja warrior lessons!

Empower children to become life-long learners while mastering the art of turning what they KNOW into what they DO

At the core of our curriculum is the idea that simple skills can be gradually and systematically combined into increasingly complex proficiencies. Beyond applying the 'Power of 3' to make sure every child masters  essential principles of 3 joint movements in 3 dimensions guided by 3 laws of motion, we help them blend physical agility into emotional and cognitive agility as well, thereby preparing them for the combinatorial mastery of multi-dimensional proficiencies like cultural literacy, applied analytics, functional physics and sustainable wellness.

    That's what we call

   Literacy x 3!



Click HERE to learn more about our Easy English and Elephant Math partnership programs

Create a STEM-centered culture which connects smart, active people through education, recreation and information

Information management  is at the heart of 21st century approaches to global progress, social fairness and lifestyle wellness. By guiding kids through systematic lessons about how their brains and bodies receive information, store it in context, retrieve it when they need it, act on it with precision, enhance it  technologically, and share it globally,  we equip them (and those around them) to solve increasingly complex problems in progressively creative ways.

That's what we call Networking x 3! 


Click here to join our Moms on Fire network of community influencers earning affiliate incomes from our programs

Did you know?


  ...moving in the world is the only way to change the world?

 ....your best thoughts and feelings come from movement? ...and from  thinking about moving?

...movement is what your thoughts and feelings are for?

...the best way to learn is through alternating iterations of study, rest and movement?

...the best way to move is to practice moving!

...your future career will probably involve moving many things, such as:







-and more!


Click here to learn more about designing your child's optimized Learning Landscape


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